Could I make peace….

Could I actually make peace with a life without children? I was in the mall with DH and infront of us is a dad walking with his toddler hand and hand. This kid is screaming, dropping himself on the floor, twisting and nearly trips his dad. This poor father is so embarrassed and is trying to calm the kid but to no avail. At that moment….. I think maybe.

We continue our shopping, proceed to the checkout and a few tills down is a baby couldn’t be more than a month old. Shrieking. Mom is trying to get groceries through the checkout, calm the baby, smile at everyone who is now staring (some knowing looks of understanding and some stares of irritation) and she looks exhausted. At that moment….. I think maybe.

Occassionally our neighbours baby has a tough night and being a townhouse. I hear that baby scream every hour on the hour. Very faint cos of the walls but I hear her. Both parents work and feel sorry for them because I know they are up and out the house before me at 6:30am. At that moment… I think maybe.

Then DH and I park off infront of the tv with all our favourite shows PVRed. Lets just get some take-aways and have an early night. At that moment…. I think maybe.

So why am I so desperate for a baby. Is it just nature? I feel happy and content just being the two of us but I just cant quit. a

6 thoughts on “Could I make peace….

  1. I often think the same things as you, but even though we all know how horrible children can be at times (including parents), you still want one. I guess it’s the same with husbands πŸ˜‰ The good usually outweighs the bad. But until there is a baby on the scene feel free to enjoy all the trappings of baby-free life!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hear ya! Sometimes there’s just something inside of us that is not ready to quit. I am sure we will know when it’s time to give up on the dream. Lots of love and strength to you xxx πŸŒΊπŸ™πŸ»β­οΈ

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  3. This totally resonates with me too. Honestly sometimes I think about how much less stress and chaos there would be – and how much more money and flexibility we would have in our lives without kids…BUT then I see my nephew and my ovaries start to ache…If I think about it logically it makes no sense to have children when you weigh out objective pros and cons but then I still can’t shake the feeling that I was meant to do it…I guess biology > logic?!


    1. I know what you mean. I have 8 nieces and nephews (10 if I include two from DH side) It is hard. I feel such love for them, I can only dream of what it would feel like with my own. We can always hope πŸ™‚ Goodbye logic


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